02 กุมภาพันธ์ 2552


นส.นนิษฐา ทองศิริอร่าม รหัสนักศึกษา 50182771052
นายเชิงชาย ผลชีวิน รหัสนักศึกษา 50182771054
นายสุเทพ กรมค้างภู รหัสนักศึกษา 50182771065
นส.สุนิสา กลับกลาย รหัสนักศึกษา 50182771082
นายพุทธิพงษ์ เทพวงศ์ รหัสนักศึกษา 50182771087

ตอนเรียน W1 แขนงวิชาธุรกิจการท่องเที่ยว


We need to learn from the past and we need to take care of the present, but I have to admit, right now it is extremely depressing to do either.
As I write, the Emergency Decree has been announced though no action as yet has been taken against the protesters. The government has retreated to the safe haven of Chiang Mai and remains eerily very detached from the crisis that is unfolding in the nation's capital.
The consistent line taken by the government is: we cannot resign or dissolve parliament because we need to protect democracy.
This is wrong. Any genuinely democratic government would feel responsible for what is happening and, conversely, only non-democratic regimes would feel that it can hold on to power even though it can no longer govern.
One thing is certain - Suvarnabhumi Airport cannot be closed indefinitely. The government has neglected to address this problem but seems instead focused on organising protests to discredit the Constitution Court.
The main question is, what happens next? What do we have to do to repair the damage? What aspirations can we realistically hold on to and what is required for these dreams to be realised?
On the positive side, even if our country is in turmoil today, the world is too distracted by the economic crisis to pay us much attention. We are not losing out on investment flows because there aren't any.
The bad news, however, is that we are losing our goodwill capital and this will take a lot of hard work to win back.
Another positive is that there remains every opportunity for the situation to be contained. The terrorist acts in Mumbai provide a perspective. The public is clamouring for the PAD's head for causing disruption and economic damage, and though this is understandable, just imagine if instead of just sitting peacefully outside the airport, they had gone in and gunned down travellers inside the terminal. Imagine if they then said they would continue to do the same until the government quits.
The situation today is dire, but it is not the worst-case scenario. This damage can be repaired.
Still, what happens from now on is critical in deciding how we can proceed, and here I have fewer reasons to be optimistic.
The PAD should realise by now that the government is not interested in the effect the airport closures have on the country. Given that, the PAD should cease their airport protests. The only way of bringing down this government is to let justice be done through the courts of law. The only end-result that the PAD could possibly be hoping for in their protests is that the military play its hand. That would be negative for Thailand, and in my opinion, conversely play into the hands of Thaksin and his Red Army.
I say this because it is already obvious what the government should do if it were sincere in its intentions towards the country. It should mount a professional attempt to clear the protesters from the airports and then it should quit. If it feels it is incapable of effective action, then it should resign - and do so without delay.
The government should not be using the question of "then what?"as an excuse for doing nothing. Asking "then what" repeatedly is a sure way of leading ourselves into unnecessary deadlock. The government cannot claim a possible consequence in the future as a reason not to take responsibility for a real crisis today.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no chance of statesmanship from this government - a government that is now more overtly than ever dancing to Thaksin's tune.
The bottom-line message to my fellow politicians is: we chose to become politicians to help the country, and if quitting is the best way to ensure peace and a chance to move forward, then why even hesitate?
The problem is that it is now clear that the country is not their priority.
As a finance man, I understand the problem of "moral hazard" better than most. The concept of not wanting to set a bad precedent is critical in creating the right regulatory and governance system. However, in a crisis, it is almost always a mistake to be concerned about moral hazards. This is the mistake the IMF forced upon us in 1997 with the closure of the finance companies. The decision to let Lehman Brothers go bust is now widely perceived to have been critically flawed. In reverse, the financial support being given to banks and other financial institutions is what has prevented a meltdown in the broader economy.
The same is true with the current political crisis. The government should not be so self-serving in its repeated use of the argument that giving in to the PAD would undermine the ability of governments in the future to rule. That is an academic moral hazard issue that is irrelevant to the solving of today's problem.
The government's role is always as a problem-solver and, without a doubt, it is within its powers to solve the problem today. All it has to do is resign. That it refuses to do this is an abuse of the power entrusted to them by the people. It may yet also prove to have tragic consequences.
What we need now is a stable government that is perceived to represent the whole country. The retreat of PM Somchai Wongsawat's government to Chiang Mai, where it is cheered on by red-shirted supporters, is so sad in my eyes.
It appears that the government is happy to be seen to represent only its supporters, and that is depressing for the rest of us.
Once we have this stable government in place, simultaneous strategies must be effected to bring all Thais together. We need to work together to repair the damage socially and economically and rebuild our economy.
I am certain this can be done. Importantly, there is nothing wrong with our national balance sheet. What we do need to do, however, is convince the world that we are once again a safe and stable place to visit and to invest. This will involve integrated efforts to both promote and entice - an acknowledgement that we will be starting from a negative position. It will require a commitment to change that has long been needed - on issues of state enterprises, energy policy, education, irrigation and rural regeneration, the role of competition, the role of the private sector, etc.
Given our natural resources, our strategic positioning in a region that is more than ever going to be the world's economic engine and the low base from which we will be building, I have no doubt that it will be an opportunity of our lifetime to "Rebuild Thailand" into the country we can be proud of.
First though, the PAD must quit the airport blockade - their actions have already achieved the goal of exposing the government as incompetent and self-serving. Let the courts do their work and then let us beat them in the only appropriate way - through the ballot box.
Korn Chatikavanij is deputy leader of the Democrat Party.

Topic main-idea แหล่งข้อมูล


Main Idea
As I write, the Emergency Decree has been announced though no action as yet has been taken against the protesters. The government has retreated to the safe haven of Chiang Mai and remains eerily very detached from the crisis that is unfolding in the nation's capital.


Type of Organization
การเขียนในบทความภาษาเป็นการเขียนประเภทข่าว ที่กลั่นกรองมาจากสถานการณ์จริง

We need to learn from the past and we need to take care of the present, but I have to admit, right now it is extremely depressing to do either.

100 Words

Resign = ลาออก v. to give up a job or position
Extremely = อย่างสุดขีด adv. very
Depressing = ทำให้ผิดหวัง adj. making you feel unhappy and without hope for the future
Decree = พิพากษา n,v . an official statement that something must happen
Announce = ประกาศ v. to show that something is going to happen
Protesters = ผู้ประท้วง n. someone who shows that they disagree with something by
standing somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc
Retreated = ถอย v. to decide not to do something, or to stop believing something, because it causes too many problems
Remains = เหลืออยู่ v. to continue to exist when other parts or other things no longer exist
Detached = ซึ่งแยกออก v. to separate or remove something from something else
that it is connected to
Crisis = ช่วงที่มีปัญหาร้ายแรง n. a situation that has reached an extremely difficult or
dangerous point; a time of great disagreement, uncertainty or suffering
Unfolding = เปิดเผย v. to open or spread out something that has been folded
Consistent = ที่สอดคล้องกัน adj. in agreement with other facts or with typical or previous
behaviour, or having the same principles as something else
Government = นายกรัฐมนตรี n. the group of people who officially control a country
Dissolve = ละลาย v. to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed, or (of a
liquid) to absorb a solid
Parliament = รัฐสภา n. in some countries, the group of (usually) elected politicians or
other people who make the laws for their country
Democracy = ประชาธิปไตย n. the belief in freedom and equality between people, or a
system of government based on this belief, in which power is either held by elected representatives or directly by the people themselves
Genuinely = แท้ adj. If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears
to be
Responsible = มีความรับผิดชอบ adj. having good judgment and the ability to act correctly
and make decisions on your own
Conversely = ความตรงกันข้าม adj. n. opposite
Regimes = ระบอบการปกครอง n. MAINLY DISAPPROVING a particular government or a
system or method of government
Indefinitely = ซึ่งไม่มีข้อกำหนด adj. adv. not exact, not clear, or without clear limits
Neglected = ไม่สนใจ adj. not receiving enough care or attention
Organizing = การจัดระบบ n. to do or arrange something according to a particular
Seems = ดูเหมือนว่า v. adv. to give the effect of being; to be judged to be
Discredit = หมดความเชื่อถือ v. n. to cause people to stop respecting someone or believing
in an idea or person
Constitution = การประกอบขึ้น, การก่อตั้ง v. to form or make something
Court = ศาล, สภา n. (a large room in) a building where trials and other legal cases
happen, or the people present in such a room, especially the officials and those deciding whether someone is guilty
Aspirations = ความทะเยอทะยาน n. something that you hope to achieve
Realistically = ซึ่งปฏิบัติได้จริง adv. according to the facts and what is possible
Required = เรียกร้อง v. to need or make necessary
Realized = ตระหนัก, เข้าใจ v. to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly
Positive = แน่ใจ adj. certain and without any doubt
Turmoil = ความสับสนอลหม่าน n. a state of confusion, uncertainty or lack of order
Distracted = ไม่มีสมาธิ adj. nervous, anxious or confused because you are worried
about something
Economic = เกี่ยวกับเศรษฐกิจ n. the intentional saving of money or, less commonly, the
saving of time, energy, words, etc
Attention = การรักษาที่เหมาะสม, ความสนใจ n. notice, thought or consideration
Investment = การลงทุน n. to put money, effort, time etc. into something to make a
profit or get an advantage
Flows = ไหล v. (especially of liquids, gases or electricity) to move in one direction,
especially continuously and easily
Perspective = ทัศนคติ n. a particular way of considering something
Disruption = การขัดขวาง n. to prevent something, especially a system, process or event,
from continuing as usual or as expected
Peacefully = อย่างสงบ adv. calm and quiet; lack of interruption or annoyance from
worry, problems, noise or unwanted actions
Situation = สถานการณ์ n. the set of things that are happening and the conditions that
exist at a particular time and place
Dire = เลวร้ายมาก adj. very serious or extreme
Scenario = โครงการ n. a written plan of the characters and events in a play or movie
Proceed = ดำเนินการ v. SLIGHTLY FORMAL to continue as planned
Optimistic = บุคคลที่เชื่อในความหวัง n. someone who always believes that good things will
Closures = การหยุด n. when a business, organization, etc. stops operating
Cease = หยุด, สิ้นสุด v. to stop something
Obvious = ชัดเจน adj. clear; easy to see, recognize or understand
Attempt = พยายาม v. to try to do something, especially something difficult
Incapable = ซึ่งไม่สามารถพอ adj. unable to do something
Unnecessary = ที่เกินจำเป็น adj. not needed or wanted, or more than is needed or
Deadlock = ความล้มเหลวในการแก้ไขความขัดแย้ง n. a situation in which agreement in an argument
cannot be reached because neither side will change its demands or accept any of the demands of the other side; stalemate
Claim = เรียกร้อง v. to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot
prove it and other people might not believe it
Consequence = ตำแหน่งที่สำคัญ n. an often bad or inconvenient result of a particular
action or situation
Statesmanship = ความเป็นรัฐบุรุษ n. an experienced politician, especially one who is
respected for making good judgments
Politicians = นักการเมือง n. a member of a government or law-making organization
Hesitate = ลังเล v. to pause before you do or say something, often because you are
uncertain or nervous about it
Priority = สิทธิพิเศษ n. something that is very important and must be dealt with
before other things
Finance = การคลัง n. (the management of) a supply of moneyv
Moral = ทางศีลธรรม adj. relating to the standards of good or bad behaviour, fairness,
honesty, etc. which each person believes in, rather than to laws
Hazard = ความไม่แน่นอน n. something that is dangerous and likely to cause damage
Precedent = ตัวอย่างหรือแบบอย่างที่มีมาก่อน n. an action, situation or decision which has
already happened and which can be used as a reason why a similar action or decision should be performed or taken
Regulatory = ซึ่งควบคุมบังคับ adj. usual; ordered by the rules
Concerned = ที่สัมพันธ์กับ v. to be important to someone or to involve someone directly
Decision = การตัดสินใจ n. the ability to decide quickly and without pausing because of
Widely = อย่างกว้างขวาง adv. including a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc
Perceived = รับรู้ v. to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about
Flaw = ข้อบกพร่อง n. a fault, mistake or weakness, especially one that happens while
something is being planned or made, or which causes something not to be perfect
Reverse = กลับกัน v. to (cause something to) go backwards, or to change the
direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite
Institution = ธรรมเนียม n. a custom or tradition that has existed for a long time and is
accepted as an important part of a particular society
Meltdown = การล่มสลายขององค์กร n. INFORMAL a complete failure, especially in financial
Current = เป็นที่ยอมรับ n. a particular opinion or feeling that a group of people have
Political = เกี่ยวกับรัฐบาลหรือนโยบายรัฐบาล adj. relating to politics
Argument = เหตุผล n. a disagreement, or the process of disagreeing
Academic = ในทางทฤษฎี adj. someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part
of their job
Issue = ประเด็น n. a subject or problem which people are thinking and talking about
Irrelevant = ไม่สัมพันธ์กัน adj. not related to what is being discussed or considered and
therefore of no importance
Solving = แก้ปัญหา v. to find an answer to a problem
Abuse = ใช้ในทางที่ผิด v. to use or treat someone or something wrongly or badly,
especially in a way that is to your own advantage
Entrusted = มอบความรับผิดชอบให้ v. to give someone a thing or a duty for which they are
Tragic = น่าสลดใจ adj. very sad, often involving death and suffering
Stable = มั่นคง adj. firmly fixed or not likely to move or change
Simultaneous = ที่พร้อมกัน adj. happening or being done at exactly the same time
Strategies = เกี่ยวกับยุทธวิธีหรือกลยุทธ์ n. a detailed plan for achieving success in situations
such as war, politics, business, industry or sport, or the skill of planning for such situations
Socially = เกี่ยวกับสังคมนิยม adv. relating to activities in which you meet and spend time
with other people and which happen during the time when you are not working
Convince = โน้มน้าว v. to persuade someone or make them certain
Integrated = ซึ่งผสมผสาน adj. to mix with and join society or a group of people, often
changing to suit their way of life, habits and customs
Efforts = ความพยายาม n. physical or mental activity needed to achieve something
Entice = เสนอจะให้สิ่งที่ต้องการ v. to persuade someone to do something by offering them
something pleasant
Acknowledgement = การยอมรับ n. a short text at the beginning or end of a book where
the writer names people or other works that have helped in writing the book
Commitment = ความรับผิดชอบ n. when you are willing to give your time and energy to
something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something
Enterprises = โครงการที่เสี่ยง n. an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and
important plan, especially one that will earn money

Policy = นโยบาย n. a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that
has been agreed officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government or a political party
Irrigation = การชลประทาน n. to supply land with water so that crops and plants will
Rural = เกี่ยวกับการเกษตร adj. in, of or like the countryside
Regeneration = การปฏิรูป n. to improve a place or system, especially by making it
more active or successful
Competition = การแข่งขัน n. when someone is trying to win something or be more
successful than someone else
Resources = ทรัพยากรของประเทศ n. a useful or valuable possession or quality of a country,
organization or person
Engine = เครื่อง จักร n. a machine that uses the energy from liquid fuel or steam to
produce movement
Doubt = ความสงสัย n. uncertainty about something, especially about how good or true
it is
Achieved = สำเร็จ v. to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim,
especially after a lot of work or effort
Exposing = เปิดเผยออกมา v. to remove what is covering something so that it can be
Incompetent = ซึ่งไร้ความสามารถ adj. lack of ability or skill to do something successfully or
as it should be done
Beat = หลีกเลี่ยงการล่าช้า v. to (cause to) make a regular movement or sound
Appropriate = เหมาะสม adj. suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion
Deputy = ผู้รักษาการแทน n. a person who is given the power to do something instead of
another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organization


29 มกราคม 2552


Simple Sentence
1. We need to learn from the past
2. We need to take care of the present
3. They had gone in
4. The government has neglected to address this problem
5. The government can not claim a possible consequence in the future

Compound Sentence
1. We need to learn from the past and we need to take care of the present
2. They had gone in and gunned down travelers inside the terminal
3. We cannot resign or dissolve parliament because we need protect democracy
4. It should mount a professional attempt to clear the protesters from the airports and
Then it should quit
5. The government cannot claim a possible consequence in the future as a reason not to take responsibility for a real crisis today.

Complex Sentence
1. The government has neglected to address this problem but seems instead focused
On organizing protests to discredit the Constitution Court
2. We are losing our goodwill capital and this will take a lot of hard work to win back
3. The government should not be so self-serving in its repeated use of the argument that giving in to the PAD would undermine the ability of governments in the future to rule
4. We need now is a stable government that is perceived to represent the whole country
5. It will require a commitment to change that has long been needed


The Emergency Decree has been announced though no action as yet has been taken against the protesters. The government has retreated to the safe haven of Chiang Mai and remains eerily very detached from the crisis that is unfolding in the nation's capital. The terrorist acts in Mumbai provide a perspective. The public is clamoring for the PAD's head for causing disruption and economic damage, and though this is understandable, just imagine if instead of just sitting peacefully outside the airport, they had gone in and gunned down travelers inside the terminal.

The PAD must quit the airport blockade - their actions have already achieved the goal of exposing the government as incompetent and self-serving. Let the courts do their work and then let us beat them in the only appropriate way - through the ballot box.
