29 มกราคม 2552


Simple Sentence
1. We need to learn from the past
2. We need to take care of the present
3. They had gone in
4. The government has neglected to address this problem
5. The government can not claim a possible consequence in the future

Compound Sentence
1. We need to learn from the past and we need to take care of the present
2. They had gone in and gunned down travelers inside the terminal
3. We cannot resign or dissolve parliament because we need protect democracy
4. It should mount a professional attempt to clear the protesters from the airports and
Then it should quit
5. The government cannot claim a possible consequence in the future as a reason not to take responsibility for a real crisis today.

Complex Sentence
1. The government has neglected to address this problem but seems instead focused
On organizing protests to discredit the Constitution Court
2. We are losing our goodwill capital and this will take a lot of hard work to win back
3. The government should not be so self-serving in its repeated use of the argument that giving in to the PAD would undermine the ability of governments in the future to rule
4. We need now is a stable government that is perceived to represent the whole country
5. It will require a commitment to change that has long been needed


